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A VPC is a virtual network inside AWS where you can isolate your workload. A VPC consists of several subnets. Each subnet is bound to an Availability Zone. A public subnet has a direct route to/from the Internet. As long as your EC2 instances have an public IPv4 address (default) or IPv6 address, they can communicate (in and out) with the Internet. A private subnet does not have a IPv4 route to/from the Internet but an Ipv6 route to the Internet exists. Instances in private subnets can not be accessed from the public Internet. If you want to access the Internet from a private subnet, you need to create a NAT gateway/instance or assign an IPv6 address. You can deploy a bastion host/instance to reduce the attack surface of internal applications.

VPC with private and public subnets in two Availability Zones

This template describes a VPC with two private and two public subnets.


Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. Launch Stack
  2. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  3. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  4. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  5. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  6. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  7. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE

If you have an existing VPC you can wrap it into our required form using a legacy VPC wrapper: Launch Stack

VPC with private and public subnets in three Availability Zones

This template describes a VPC with three private and three public subnets.


Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. Launch Stack
  2. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  3. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  4. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  5. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  6. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  7. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE

If you have an existing VPC you can wrap it into our required form using a legacy VPC wrapper: Launch Stack

VPC with private and public subnets in four Availability Zones

This template describes a VPC with four private and four public subnets.


Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. Launch Stack
  2. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  3. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  4. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  5. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  6. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  7. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE

If you have an existing VPC you can wrap it into our required form using a legacy VPC wrapper: Launch Stack

NAT Gateway

This template describes a NAT Gateway that forwards HTTP, HTTPS and NTP traffic from a single private subnet to the Internet. You need one stack per availability zone. Example: If you use the vpc-2azs.yaml template, you will need two Nat Gateway stack in A and B.

You need one Gateway in each SubnetZone (e.g. A and B in vpc-2azs.yaml).


Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. This template depends on one of our vpc-*azs.yaml templates. Launch Stack
  2. Launch Stack
  3. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  4. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  5. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  6. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  7. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  8. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE


NAT instance

This template describes a highly available Network Address Translation (NAT) instance that forwards HTTP, HTTPS and NTP traffic from a single private subnet to the Internet. You need one stack per availability zone. Example: If you use the vpc-2azs.yaml template, you will need two Nat Gateway stack in A and B.

You need one Instance in each SubnetZone (e.g. A and B in vpc-2azs.yaml).


Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. This template depends on one of our vpc-*azs.yaml templates. Launch Stack
  2. Launch Stack
  3. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  4. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  5. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  6. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  7. Check the I acknowledge that this template might cause AWS CloudFormation to create IAM resources. checkbox.
  8. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  9. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE


SSH bastion host/instance

This template describes a highly available SSH bastion host/instance. SSH Port 22 is open to the world.

Users must not be able to become root on the bastion host/instance! That's very important for security. Why? SSH places a SSH_AUTH_SOCK file into the /tmp directoy only accessible by the user. If you have root you could use any of those files and jump to other machines as another user!


Amazon S3 URL:

Single user: ec2-user

Specify the same KeyName parameter for the bastion host and all other stacks you want to connect to.

Use ssh -J ec2-user@$bastion ec2-user@$target and replace $bastion with the IPAddress output of the stack; $target with the private IP address of the EC2 instance you want to connect to.

Personalized users

Enable the IAMUserSSHAccess parameter for the bastion host and all other stack you want to connect to.

Use ssh -J $user@$bastion $target and replace $user with your IAM user name; $bastion with the IPAddress output of the stack; $target with the private IP address of the EC2 instance you want to connect to.

Installation Guide

  1. This template depends on one of our vpc-*azs.yaml templates. Launch Stack
  2. Launch Stack
  3. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  4. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  5. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  6. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  7. Check the I acknowledge that this template might cause AWS CloudFormation to create IAM resources. checkbox.
  8. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  9. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE



No bastion host/instance

If you leave the ParentSSHBastionStack parameter blank in other templates, port 22 is open to the world This template can be used to disable SSH access by deploying an "empty" / non-existent bastion host (e.g., when using SSM Session Manager).

Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. Launch Stack
  2. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  3. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  4. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  5. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  6. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  7. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE

VPN bastion host/instance

This template describes a highly available VPN bastion host/instance based on the SoftEther VPN Project.

Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. This template depends on one of our vpc-*azs.yaml templates. Launch Stack
  2. Launch Stack
  3. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  4. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  5. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  6. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  7. Check the I acknowledge that this template might cause AWS CloudFormation to create IAM resources. checkbox.
  8. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  9. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE

Administration guide

During installation, the pre shared key (VPNPSK parameter), and the admin password (VPNAdminPassword parameter) are set. A first VPN user is also created (VPNUserName, and VPNUserPassword parameters). To add further users or make further changes to the configuration you have to configure SoftEther VPN Server.


Windows step 1

Windows step 2

  1. Download and install SoftEther VPN Server and VPN Bridge (Ver 4.42, Build 9798, rtm)
    1. Select the component SoftEther VPN Server Manager (Admin Tools Only)
  2. Add a new setting
  3. Set host name to
    1. the domain name (if ParentZoneStack parameter was set)
    2. the IPAddress output of the stack
  4. Set the password to the admin password (VPNAdminPassword parameter)
  5. Save with OK button
  6. Select newly created setting and click the connect button



  1. Download and install the SoftEther VPN Server Manager for Mac OS X (Ver 4.21, Build 9613, beta)
  2. Add a new setting
  3. Set host name to
    1. the domain name (if ParentZoneStack parameter was set)
    2. the IPAddress output of the stack
  4. Set the password to the admin password (VPNAdminPassword parameter)
  5. Save with OK button
  6. Select newly created setting and click the connect button


There is no graphical tool available for Linux. You can establish an SSH connection to the VPN server and use the /usr/local/vpnserver/vpncmd tool to configure SoftEther VPN Server as documented.



Gateway Endpoint (S3)

This template describes a Gateway VPC endpoint to securely access S3 without the need of a NAT Gateway, NAT instance, or public internet. Refer to AWS documentation if this is necessary for your stack. By default, access to all S3 actions and buckets is allowed, but may be constrained with a policy document.


Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. This template depends on one of our vpc-*azs.yaml templates. Launch Stack
  2. Launch Stack
  3. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  4. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  5. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  6. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  7. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  8. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE


Gateway Endpoint (DynamoDB)

This template describes a Gateway VPC endpoint to securely access DynamoDB without the need of a NAT Gateway, NAT instance, or public internet. Refer to AWS documentation if this is necessary for your stack. By default, access to all DynamoDB actions and tables is allowed, but may be constrained with a policy document.

Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. This template depends on one of our vpc-*azs.yaml templates. Launch Stack
  2. Launch Stack
  3. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  4. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  5. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  6. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  7. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  8. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE


Interface Endpoint

This template describes a Interface VPC endpoint to securely access services without the need of a NAT Gateway, NAT instance, or public internet. Refer to AWS documentation if this is necessary for your stack.

Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. This template depends on one of our vpc-*azs.yaml templates. Launch Stack
  2. Launch Stack
  3. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  4. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  5. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  6. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  7. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  8. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE


VPC Flow Logs to CloudWatch Logs

This template enables Flow Logs for the specified VPC. Flow Logs contain aggregated network traffic data in your VPC.

Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. This template depends on one of our vpc-*azs.yaml templates. Launch Stack
  2. Launch Stack
  3. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  4. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  5. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  6. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  7. Check the I acknowledge that this template might cause AWS CloudFormation to create IAM resources. checkbox.
  8. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  9. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE

Flow Logs will show up in CloudWatch Logs a few minutes after activation.


Public DNS Zone

This template creates a Route53 hosted zone that is resolvable from the public Internet. Other templates depend on this template to register their DNS entries (record sets).

Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. Launch Stack
  2. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  3. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  4. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  5. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  6. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  7. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE

If you have an existing Route53 Hosted Zone you can wrap it into our required form using a legacy zone wrapper: Launch Stack

Private DNS Zone

This template creates a Route53 hosted zone that is resolvable only from within a VPC. Other templates depend on this template to register their DNS entries (record sets).

Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. This template depends on one of our vpc-*azs.yaml templates. Launch Stack
  2. Launch Stack
  3. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  4. Specify a name and all parameters for the stack.
  5. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  6. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  7. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  8. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE

If you have an existing Route53 Hosted Zone you can wrap it into our required form using a legacy zone wrapper: Launch Stack



This template enables DNSSEC for a Route53 hosted zone. DNSSEC works for public hoted zones only.

Deploy this template to region us-east-1 only.

In case you deployed the hosted zone stack based on vpc/zone-public.yaml in a region other than us-east-1 deploy a wrapper stack based on vpc/zone-legacy.yaml to us-east-1.

Amazon S3 URL:

Installation Guide

  1. This template depends the zone-public.yaml template. Launch Stack
  2. This template depends on the kms-key.yaml template. Launch Stack
  3. Launch Stack
  4. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  5. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  6. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  7. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE
